Conrad Completes Testing of Indonesian Gas Well

The operator of the Duyung production-sharing contract in the Natuna Basin off Indonesia, Conrad Petroleum, has successfully completed the testing operations at Mako South-1 well and the rig is currently demobilising back to its home base in Labuan, Malaysia, its UK-listed partner Empyrean Energy said July 5.

Conrad has reported that the well performance was exceptional, and the drilling operations were carried out on time, on budget and with zero safety incidents, Empyrean Energy said.

The well flowed high quality gas that is close to 100% methane, with no carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, or other contaminants, it said. As reported June 28, the Mako South-1 well has flowed on drill stem test at a rate of 10.9mn ft³/d on a choke of 128/64.

With the addition of the Mako South-1 well, four wells have now penetrated the Intra Muda Formation, but Mako South-1 is the only well to have been production tested. Conrad now plans to thoroughly analyse the latest information and aggregate it with that from previous wells in order to progress a development plan.

Empyrean owns 10% of West Natuna Exploration (WENL), a holding company that owns 100% of the Duyung PSC. Conrad own the remaining 90% of WNEL.

Shardul Sharma


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