Bulgaria: Torrential rainfall did damage in town of Samokov

In the Western Bulgarian town of Samokov, the municipality is assessing the damage done by the torrential rainfall experienced yesterday.

Mayor Vladimir Georgiev told Bulgarian National Television (BNT), last night, 15 teams had been busy draining people?s homes after the rain had turned streets into rivers. In Samokov itself, but also in villages around the town, a lot of damage had been registered to the infrastructure.

According to Georgiev it is too early to release figures, since the damage needs to be calculated first. Several streets were damaged, while basements, houses and apartments were flooded. This includes public buildings.

During the heavy rainfall, the authorities on site received 560 calls.

In the region around Samokov, 200 liters of rain per square meter had fallen on July 3, 2017.

By now, the situation in Samokov has normalized. Mayor Georgiev has promised help to affected inhabitants.

Photo by BNT



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