?Atlantic Resolve?: US military convoy travels from Germany to Bulgaria

A large convoy consisting of soldiers from the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade from the United States took a road trip of 2000 kilometres, from Germany to the Novo Selo training area in Bulgaria. The convoy trip was part of the NATO exercises ?Atlantic Resolve? and ?Saber Guardian?. The latter includes more than 25 000 soldiers.

It took the convoy five days to get from the German town of Illesheim all the way to Novo Selo, through Austria, Hungary and Romania. The journey involved four border crossings. In some countries, the US military convoy had police escorts.

Soldiers who were part of the endeavor said that, along their way, many civilians had been curious about all of those American military vehicles.

According to commanders, safety was an important aspect, since a total of 17 military vehicles shared highways and freeways with civilian traffic. They said there had not been a single accident on the way.

Another challenge the soldiers ran into was the heat in South-Eastern Europe. Cadet Hannah Whisnant and Cadet Tyler Pham wrote after the exercise they took part in, the key had been to keep all personnel alert and hydrated.

The ?Saber Guardian? exercise has been taking place since 2013. The 2017 version is the largest iteration series to date. It involves a large number of subordinate exercises in many Eastern European countries, including Bulgaria.



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