International Day of Peace

A photo by Nitish Meena.

?And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.? (Matthew 24:6 ESV)

It certainly sounds like we?re in that season, doesn?t it?

This morning, we read of violent protests that took place in North Carolina overnight after a black man was killed by police. Meanwhile, the story behind the NYC bombings continues to unfold. That?s just in the United States where things are relatively quiet compared to countries where terror attacks remain commonplace. In Syria the shaky truce has been beaten down.  We could go on and on.

Today is the International Day of Peace, and yet many people have started to avoid the news so they don?t have to hear about stories like these. The violence around us is insurmountable and overwhelming.

Facebook announces International Day of Peace saying, ?peace begins with love.?  It?s true,  lasting peace does begin with Love.  God?s Love which was presented to us through his Son who paid the wages of our sin. We were once his greatest enemy and carried violence towards him in our hearts. Because of his sacrifice, there is peace between us now.  Additionally, we know that an eternity of absolute peace awaits us.

Just before Jesus went to the cross, he said to his disciples,

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (John 14:27 ESV)

The peace given to us through relationship with Jesus is like no peace we can find in this world because it is not from this world.

Jesus said there will be more signs of the end of the age to come, painful and violent things. But his words also remind us that God has a plan. He is not surprised by the events taking place in our world today.

As Christians, the most powerful action we can take to advance peace is to introduce the Author of peace to those around us.

Start with your neighbors, your coworkers, your friends, your family. Consider how you can be an influence of peace globally. We hope you?ll take advantage of the resources we provide to pray, give, or go to send forth the Gospel, all to God?s glory.

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