International Day of PeaceInternational Women?s DayWill ISIS go nuclear?Background check: Rohingya boat peopleCommentary: What?s the cure for ISIS? I have an ideaThe MISSION in Missionaries: An Opportunity You May Not Have ConsideredA God bigger than numbersWhat Muslim extremists have taught me#GiveHope15 to be a voice for the voicelessWhat happens when you #GiveHope15? Mission Network News Sat, 08 Jul 2017 01:04:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Wed, 21 Sep 2016 17:45:04 +0000

International Day of Peace

  ?And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.? (Matthew 24:6 ESV) It certainly sounds like we?re in that season, doesn?t it? This morning, we read of violent protests that took place in North Carolina overnight [?]

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]]> Day of PeaceInternational Day of Peace

A photo by Nitish Meena.

?And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.? (Matthew 24:6 ESV)

It certainly sounds like we?re in that season, doesn?t it?

This morning, we read of violent protests that took place in North Carolina overnight after a black man was killed by police. Meanwhile, the story behind the NYC bombings continues to unfold. That?s just in the United States where things are relatively quiet compared to countries where terror attacks remain commonplace. In Syria the shaky truce has been beaten down.  We could go on and on.

Today is the International Day of Peace, and yet many people have started to avoid the news so they don?t have to hear about stories like these. The violence around us is insurmountable and overwhelming.

Facebook announces International Day of Peace saying, ?peace begins with love.?  It?s true,  lasting peace does begin with Love.  God?s Love which was presented to us through his Son who paid the wages of our sin. We were once his greatest enemy and carried violence towards him in our hearts. Because of his sacrifice, there is peace between us now.  Additionally, we know that an eternity of absolute peace awaits us.

Just before Jesus went to the cross, he said to his disciples,

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (John 14:27 ESV)

The peace given to us through relationship with Jesus is like no peace we can find in this world because it is not from this world.

Jesus said there will be more signs of the end of the age to come, painful and violent things. But his words also remind us that God has a plan. He is not surprised by the events taking place in our world today.

As Christians, the most powerful action we can take to advance peace is to introduce the Author of peace to those around us.

Start with your neighbors, your coworkers, your friends, your family. Consider how you can be an influence of peace globally. We hope you?ll take advantage of the resources we provide to pray, give, or go to send forth the Gospel, all to God?s glory.

The post International Day of Peace appeared first on Mission Network News.

]]> 0 Tue, 08 Mar 2016 14:26:09 +0000

International Women’s Day

It is International Women?s Day. A friend of mine blogged a beautiful story at the encouragement other women who believe in the power of story.   She, in her reflection, celebrates the Girl She Is and The Girl She Once Was. Sharing her story took guts, but reveals the raw beauty she was born with as [?]

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]]> Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day

RuthIt is International Women?s Day. A friend of mine blogged a beautiful story at the encouragement other women who believe in the power of story.   She, in her reflection, celebrates the Girl She Is and The Girl She Once Was.

Sharing her story took guts, but reveals the raw beauty she was born with as God paints her face with His fingers. What she?s encouraging women to do is share their stories?and through it, we reveal the ?otherness? we are created for?and that gives me courage.

My story:

I was the little Chinese kid with teeth that grew out of every available space in my mouth?glasses. Hair that refused to cooperate with any amount of wrangling?I had tomboy tendencies that would shred lacy anklet socks in 10 minutes flat.

The problem was, my mom wanted me to be a princess. I wanted to be a princess, but really, when you looked at pictures of the princess, she was tall, slender, graceful, blonde and really, really, really, NOT Chinese.

The closest I could come to ?princess? was ?Amazon Warrior??and so, my princess was Wonder Woman. Her story played fast and loose with Greek and Roman mythology which frustrated me, but as she had strength and played for justice, I could live with a confused identity.

(Photo courtesy Wikipedia/CC)

(Photo courtesy Wikipedia/CC)

I had dark hair, she had dark hair. I was athletic, she could stop cars. Seriously.

Being Wonder Woman was fantasy. She had respect. She could stop the bullets fired her way. That was where the reality crashed into make-believe. I had no one?s respect. Hurtful words hit and sank deep, creating emotional scars I carry to this day. I grew up believing I was ugly and stupid because that?s all I ever heard in connection with who I was, and the disappointment I was to any and all who cared to notice me.

When I noticed myself, I hated looking in the mirror because I didn?t like what I was seeing?I WAS ugly and I believed I deserved the disdain I lived with.

Here?s the thing: I?m also created by God?created for purpose, for beauty, and in His creation, it is good?therefore I am good. I am redeemable?and redeemed.  At 16, I decided to stop obsessing about my outer appearance since I could do nothing about it, and focus on my inner appearance?because that?s what would last. I wanted to be God?s grace when I grew up.

I had seen gracious women in my life and they were towers of strength. They were gentle. They were unstoppable. They were nurturing. They were forces to reckon with if you messed with their families. They were prayer warriors.  They are the beautiful women we see described in every facet of the Bible.

They are the Esther?s of this world, the Deborah?s, the Doris?, the Mary?s and the Martha?s. They are worthy of note because they are beautiful as they reflect God?s character.   They are the women that wear purple, care for their families, run the household and are the ?grace to do??part of the royal priesthood.


(Photo courtesy Ronne Rock, Orphan Outreach)

Understanding that freed me from the yoke of wanting to be blonde, tall, willowy, not Chinese. I could finally celebrate who I was created to be?and on this International Women?s Day, that is the following:

  • God is who He says He is
  • God can do what He says He can do
  • I am who God says I am
  • I can do all things through Christ
  • God?s Word is alive and living in me.*

Today is about celebrating who we are created to be. Be strong. Be real. Be free, because it?s beautiful.

*From Believing God, by Beth Moore

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]]> 1 Thu, 08 Oct 2015 04:00:16 +0000

Debate continues over the probability and likelihood of a nuclear ISIS. While reportedly improbable, Central Asia could be a starting point for the Islamic State?s nuclear ambitions. ISIS in Central Asia In March, terrorists handed out hundreds of notices on official ISIS letterhead before and after the bombing of a Shi?ite mosque. Though officials continue [?]

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Debate continues over the probability and likelihood of a nuclear ISIS. While reportedly improbable, Central Asia could be a starting point for the Islamic State?s nuclear ambitions.

ISIS in Central Asia



In March, terrorists handed out hundreds of notices on official ISIS letterhead before and after the bombing of a Shi?ite mosque.

Though officials continue to deny an Islamic State presence in Pakistan, ?they?re operating there,? says Bruce Allen of Forgotten Missionaries International (FMI).

?Their recruiting pamphlets are there across Pakistan; brick-and-mortar office buildings.?

Yet, a bigger concern is the growth of ISIS in neighboring Afghanistan.

Earlier this week, the top commander of U.S. forces in the region called for more troops because ISIS and al-Qaeda were increasing in strength.

?The ISIS influence is stronger in Afghanistan than in Pakistan,? claims this security analyst.

?However, Pakistan would not be able to counter the threat alone if he conflict in Afghanistan worsens and Pakistani and Afghani militants inspired by the ISIS try to capture territory along the Pak-Afghan border for establishing a ?caliphate.??

(Photo cred: FMI)

(Photo cred: FMI)

While clearly present in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Islamic State?s ?hold? on Central Asia as a whole is arguable.

?No Central Asian government has produced much by way of proof that Islamic State is operating in any substantial fashion within the region,? said a blogger on

Meanwhile, indigenous missionaries supported by FMI are pressing forward without fear.

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]]> 0 Wed, 20 May 2015 04:00:32 +0000

Most Rohingya refugees currently adrift in the Andaman Ocean fled persecution in Myanmar months ago with the help of traffickers. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, and had to make a decision. Myanmar?s government doesn?t allow the Rohingya to move beyond highly-monitored zones resembling concentration camps. Since beginning their work in [?]

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Rohingya starvation

Many Rohingya are facing starvation since foreign aid workers were forced to leave the region by the government.
(Image, caption courtesy Partners)

Most Rohingya refugees currently adrift in the Andaman Ocean fled persecution in Myanmar months ago with the help of traffickers. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, and had to make a decision.

Myanmar?s government doesn?t allow the Rohingya to move beyond highly-monitored zones resembling concentration camps. Since beginning their work in Rakhine state three years ago, Partners Relief and Development has helped improve daily life in the camps for many Rohingya refugees.

But as time went on, many saw the writing on the wall and took to the sea.

?Two years ago, [the situation] seemed like it was temporary, and that they were going to be able to go back to their homes eventually,? says Partners co-founder Oddny Gumaer.

?Now, it?s looking like this is where they will be for the rest of their lives.?

For most Rohingya, the desperate escape from Myanmar has turned into an unimaginable trap. Boat people keep getting pushed back to sea as nations throughout Southeast Asia continually deny them entrance.

Why are countries turning a ?cold shoulder? to the Rohingya?

As government talks drag on, it doesn?t look like the Rohingya crisis will end any time soon. In this article, Gumaer shares what YOU can do about it.

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]]> 0 Fri, 13 Mar 2015 17:33:16 +0000

USA (MNN) ? Islamic State is taking lives in the most barbaric ways. Beheading Christians, burning people alive, selling the organs of those they capture, and selling young girls to the highest bidder. Why are they doing this? It?s not because these individuals have offended them, have attacked them, or threatened them. They?re being attacked [?]

The post Commentary: What?s the cure for ISIS? I have an idea appeared first on Mission Network News.


USA (MNN) ? Islamic State is taking lives in the most barbaric ways. Beheading Christians, burning people alive, selling the organs of those they capture, and selling young girls to the highest bidder. Why are they doing this? It?s not because these individuals have offended them, have attacked them, or threatened them. They?re being attacked because members of these terrorist groups want everyone in the world to bow to them and their god.

I?ve heard some pretty outlandish things. First, a U-S State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf  told one news network that the west needs to go after the root causes that leads people to join groups like ISIS and Boko Haram. She says if we could improve the governance of their countries, improve the grievance process, and provide job opportunities that would address the problem.

Following the three day White House Summit on Violent Extremism, President Barak Obama said the world needs to end the cycle of hate by expanding human rights, religious tolerance and peaceful dialogue. He also suggests that Western nations must show that they ?welcome people of all faiths,? at a time when ?extremists? are saying that Western nations are ?hostile to Muslims.

I do believe both of these individuals have a point, but not what you think.

First, let me address Marie Hart?s comments. She?s right, we need to address the root of the problem to fix the ISIS problem. But, the root problem isn?t the lack of jobs, or poverty. If that was the case India would be the home of great bands of terrorists and the homeless in the United States would be nothing more than urban terrorist thugs. The key to getting at the root cause is seeing what is at the heart of this issue ? evil hearts.

What do I mean? Man without Christ is evil. As we look at these world events, the only thing that can describe the problem is that it?s utter evil. Where does that come from? A person who is separated from Christ. Satan is the master of using evil to accomplish his purposes.

Secondly, I believe President Obama is correct also, but his assessment is a bit off. I believe we should do more than just bomb the Muslim terrorists and and leave. I think as Christians we have a responsibility to do something for these people. But the first thing we need to do is to tell them about Jesus.

When the Bible says, ?For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places,?  we now see what that?s like first hand. We?re seeing people who are blinded by the faith of ?another gospel.? We?re seeing people who are searching for truth, only being blinded by the lack of truth taught by a book that?s not God?s spoken Word.

So, what?s the answer? I believe the answer is to start praying for Muslims to see and understand who Jesus is. Many Muslims believe Jesus is a Holy Prophet. Because of that, Christians need to leverage that. If they believe He is holy, why don?t they know more about Him. How will they learn more about Him? By reading the Gospel. How will they read the Gospel if they don?t have access to it.

Today, Muslims can access Scripture in more ways than ever before. They can access it in text on websites in their own language ( It?s also available to people who would rather listen to it (

What?s the bottom line? Only Christ can change the ISIS problem. Only God can limit the evil man does to each other. Only God changes hearts. Pray earnestly every day that God will do this in the hearts of Islamic State terrorists and others who don?t know they Savior.

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]]> 0 Tue, 10 Mar 2015 04:00:28 +0000

The MISSION in Missionaries: An Opportunity You May Not Have Considered

In an effort to share more ?everyday missions? stories, MNN is using social media to connect with fellow Christ-followers and hear what?s on their hearts. Today, it?s my pleasure to introduce you to Rebecca Jefferson, our very first guest blogger. You can connect with Rebecca and find more of her writings at It is [?]

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]]> MISSION in Missionaries: An Opportunity You May Not Have ConsideredThe MISSION in Missionaries: An Opportunity You May Not Have Considered

In an effort to share more ?everyday missions? stories, MNN is using social media to connect with fellow Christ-followers and hear what?s on their hearts. Today, it?s my pleasure to introduce you to Rebecca Jefferson, our very first guest blogger.

You can connect with Rebecca and find more of her writings at

(Photo courtesy of Kevin Dooley via Flickr) cc2.0

(Photo courtesy of Kevin Dooley via Flickr) cc2.0

It is easy to think of missionaries and evangelists as ?super Christians? who never let anything get them down. However, like any Christian, missionaries experience emotional pain, rejection, health issues, financial shortfalls, spiritual warfare, and of course, their own daily sin with which they have to battle. These life issues are exacerbated by an Enemy who would rather see individuals destroyed than saved from their sins (John 10:9-10), and who will do all in his power to stall the progression of the Gospel message, including trying to eliminate the messenger.

There is an evident need to minister to those who are giving of their time, lives, and families to preach the Gospel. Some missions organizations provide counselors and medical personnel to aid mission workers in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of their lives while in the field. Others offer housing and pastoral care to furloughed missionaries while they take some much-needed time off for refreshment.

But what about the rest of us, the laypeople? We have the privilege as blood-bought brothers and sisters in Christ of bearing one another?s burdens (Gal. 6:2). Does not the responsibility of loving and caring for each other depend on us, as the household of faith (Gal. 6:10), since we are all members of Christ?s body? If we don?t inquire about the needs, spiritual and physical, of fellow pilgrims on the narrow road who do the work of an evangelist (2 Tim. 4:5), how can we help them?

Come alongside a missionary or evangelist and ask them what their needs are. Prayerfully consider supporting them with your money, your time, or both ? however God leads you. If there are none in your church you are aware of, pray that God would bring across your path a missionary whom you can bless- and learn from. Oswald Chambers, a missionary himself, wrote, ?When you meet a man or woman who puts Jesus Christ first, knit that one to your soul.?2

Woman praying in Cristo buen Viaje Church

Woman praying in Cristo buen Viaje Church

When asked, most missionaries will almost undoubtedly tell you their greatest need is prayer. The apostle Paul repeatedly urged those who received his letters to pray for him (Rom. 15:30-32; Eph. 6:18-20; 2 Thess. 3:1-2, etc.). Mission workers not only need prayer for provision of their physical and financial needs, but also their spiritual needs. They need our prayers, especially when they become deeply discouraged because of Satan?s onslaughts. You can encourage missionaries by asking them what prayer requests they have, and if possible, meeting with them in person for prayer and fellowship.

If you are considering becoming an evangelist (or going into any kind of ministry work), one of the best resources you can lay hold of ? next to personal Bible study and prayer ? is fellowship with other missionaries. Prepare for a learning curve! Preaching the Gospel and serving people in the name of Jesus is no cakewalk, and you will find it is no easier for those who fall into the category of missionaries or evangelists, as they will tell you. You will discover what a life on mission truly entails and, who knows, maybe even what God is asking of you.

Volunteering with missionaries is another great way to support them and boost their morale. God may provide you with the opportunity to intern for a missions board overseas. But even if you have never gone on an international missions trip, opportunities to share the Gospel abound here in the States. The need for domestic missions is just as urgent as the need for foreign missions, because no matter their income or cultural differences, all people everywhere are in need of the saving Gospel.

Good News Club

A Good News Club introduces children to Christ in Maryland.
(Photo courtesy of Chris Reick)

Domestic missionaries, just like their foreign counterparts, are in need of our prayer and support. One such organization is Open Air Campaigners, a street preaching group which makes it its mission to preach the Gospel in the public square, wherever people gather. Another is Child Evangelism Fellowship, which ministers to children via summer camps, neighborhood clubs, and after-school clubs. See the need in your own backyard and try volunteering for organizations like these on the home front so you can bless missionaries by helping them to reach the lost.

In our haste to get to the ?mission field,? we must not bypass the clear and present opportunities God gives us to serve locally. Serving missionaries right where we are is in itself a mission field.

Every Paul needs an Onesiphorus, a Luke, an Epaphroditus. Every Moses needs an Aaron and Hur to hold up his arms (Ex. 17:8-13). Every Jeremiah needs a Baruch (Jer. 36). Why can?t you be the one to stand in the gap, right here, right now?

Rebecca Jefferson is a 26-year old volunteer serving the Lord with Open Air Campaigners. She has applied to become a full-time missionary-evangelist with the group, and is currently working through the process. Jefferson is also serving as a part-time administrative assistant for her church, Tree of Life Fellowship in Bowie, MD.

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]]> 1 Thu, 12 Feb 2015 16:15:33 +0000

A God bigger than numbers

Most mornings, I start my day no different from any other college student. I push snooze too many times and wake up in a panic when I realize how late it is. I quickly get dressed, wait for my coffee, and then I?m on my way. Like many college students, I have a job. I [?]

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]]> God bigger than numbersA God bigger than numbers

Photo courtesy of Lynne Hand via Flickr, creative commons (

Photo courtesy of Lynne Hand via Flickr, creative commons (

Most mornings, I start my day no different from any other college student. I push snooze too many times and wake up in a panic when I realize how late it is. I quickly get dressed, wait for my coffee, and then I?m on my way.

Like many college students, I have a job. I work here, at Mission Network News. But this is no typical college job. For a few hours a day, I?m pulled out of the inward-focused world of an oblivious student to learn and write about what on earth is going on.

If you?ve been keeping up on international news, you know that things aren?t so pretty around the world. The Islamic State continues to hog the headlines with new horror stories. They post on social media, glorifying their latest and most heinous deeds.

Meanwhile, isolated families in Africa are without access to resources that will protect them against the very diseases they?re being quarantined for. Millions of people in South Sudan are on the brink of famine, but the civil war continues.

Worldwide, countries struggle against the number of orphaned children living in the streets. Many of these children, caught in the harsh cycle of poverty, face a harrowing future.

Lebanon, Western Ukraine, and many other countries fight the financial and logistical challenges created by refugee and IDP camps. The camp residents themselves are freezing or starving to death but there is little they can do about it.

Meanwhile, one of our biggest annual events back at home, the Super Bowl, continues each year to walk hand-in-hand with the exploitation of human beings through sex-trafficking.

I could literally go on forever about the trials being faced all around the world: deceitful world leaders, abused children, decades-long attempts at genocide, church burnings, and more. I could even zero in on an often-overlooked hardship? missionaries who face rejection on a daily basis by people groups who have been a burden on their hearts for years and years.

Don?t get me wrong? we don?t just write tragedy and horror. We pass on wonderful stories of redemption, perseverance, forgiveness, and overcoming. Most inspiring are the stories of people turning to God and finding hope just when they thought there was none. And with each story we cover, we?re able to offer resources and access to people who want to help.

Even so, some days this typical college student is faced with the temptation to despair. Or perhaps even worse, I?m tempted to turn back inwardly again and focus on my own issues. They certainly seem friendlier than the face of terrorism, starvation, etc.

But to do so would be to miss something extremely important. Not only is it important for me to care and help anyway I can, but it?s important to remember that God does care and can do anything.

Journalists often use cold, hard, numerical facts to convey important information. These statistics have the potential to stun and shock. All too often they?re overwhelming. But I want to remind you, God is no stranger to statistics. He is not overcome by numbers.

"I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore."(Genesis 22:17a ESV) Photo by Julie Oosterhouse

?I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore.?(Genesis 22:17a ESV) Photo by Julie Oosterhouse

In fact, our perception of God?s glory is often magnified through numbers. For instance, a nation as numerous as the number of stars in the sky and grains of sand on the earth came from two people in their 90?s!

Time and time again God protected this nation when they were far outnumbered by their enemies? and he continues to do so. A God who can cover a land with innumerable locusts and frogs in a day and then remove them just as quickly can certainly lead his people out of the reach of the enemy.

God built his temple by numbers, and led 300 men into victory against the Midianites and Amalekites who were as numerous as sand.

God allowed three men to walk unscathed in a furnace that was heated seven times its normal temperature.

From a few loaves of bread and some fish, Jesus fed thousands? twice. His miracles and healings were so numerous they would fill a never-ending book.

Later on, Jesus allowed himself to be betrayed for just 30 pieces of silver. He allowed himself to be denied by a beloved disciple three times. He allowed the majority of the crowd to desire the life of a criminal more than his. Yet in three days, he rose again.

God does not operate within the bounds of numbers or quantity. His decisions aren?t based on probability, financial availability, or even ticking time. He is ruler over all these things. And through them, he is glorified.

When I?m tempted to turn away from the world?s number of horrors, and the horrors illustrated by numbers, I?m disallowing myself from seeing some of God?s glory. I am forgetting he will conquer all, that his plan is absolutely perfect, and that he is bigger and stronger than any plan according to man.

To be able to learn this as a college student and be challenged by it daily is just one of the many blessings that come with working at MNN.

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]]> 1 Fri, 16 Jan 2015 20:34:11 +0000

USA (MNN) ? The last few weeks have been kind of frustrating both professionally and personally. Professionally as I have covered terror in the world. Personally as I have been the target of attacks simply for being a Christian. Mission Network News continues to focus on what?s going on in the world as it relates [?]

The post What Muslim extremists have taught me appeared first on Mission Network News.


USA (MNN) ? The last few weeks have been kind of frustrating both professionally and personally. Professionally as I have covered terror in the world. Personally as I have been the target of attacks simply for being a Christian.

Mission Network News continues to focus on what?s going on in the world as it relates to Muslim extremism. Islamic State gains and their tactics to gain control of the world have been shocking. ISIS fighters are kidnapping girls and using them for their own pleasure, attacking innocent people because they don?t agree with their faith, crucifying Christians, and forcing children to execute men and women. These things are horrifying.

Those things?coupled with Boko Haram using children as suicide bombers in Nigeria, plus the Muslims radicals who attacked a satire magazine/newspaper in France killing 12 people?leave me wondering, ?What?s next??

I actually find myself shaking my head in disbelief.  I find myself wondering, ?How could any human being be associated with this religion? Why don?t we just annihilate them? Why don?t we just shoot and ask questions later??

Personally, I received some attacks from a couple of people while I was tweeting. I was complaining about not having a particular news service that I believe is fair and balanced, when I was verbally assaulted. First, it was because I was a loyal viewer. Then, when they realized I was a Christian, they started saying things that would make a sailor blush. I was shocked.

At first, I was really angry. ?Why would people be saying something about me when they don?t even KNOW me? How could someone be so verbally vicious? How could someone really have those views of ALL Christians?? I wanted to jab back with insults and anger. I started to. I made a couple of comments that were ? um ? probably not so nice. Then, I realized something.

In both of these circumstances, they don?t know any better. How can we expect anyone who isn?t a Christ-follower to act like a Christ-follower?

In the first situation, I firmly believe the evil one is using radical Islam to attack those who are trying to reach them with the Gospel. Think about it. Today, we?re seeing more Muslims than ever before coming to Christ. Do you think Satan likes that? What better way to hamper that outreach than to encourage Christians to be afraid of, or hate Muslims. Many Christians are so afraid they won?t even talk to a Muslim. Some Christians are so full of hate toward Muslims they?re not much better than the radicals.

In the second situation, I believe Satan was trying to luring me into an argument that would do nothing but hurt my reputation and testimony and give the attackers even more fodder for their verbal assaults. So, rather than lobbing venomous insults at those attacking me, I simply asked questions. I tried to be kind (which is hard to perceive in a tweet that?s only 140 characters).  I asked them why they were swearing at me and lobbing sexual insults to me simply because I was a Christian. As I was able to get the tone ratcheted back in check, I asked the question of myself, ?What if I?m the only Christian these people have ever met??

I may have blown it. We may be blowing it together. When you?re attacked (physically or emotionally) by someone who?s a non-Christian, what?s your first response? I?m not saying it?s easy to love people like that. It?s hard. But, why aren?t we following in the steps of Jesus Himself who willingly gave the executioner His hand, only to have nails driven into them? Why aren?t we trying to ignore the insults and love our enemies ? even doing something kind for them, which is anti-everything we?re thinking about.

Mission Network News constantly tells incredible stories of Christian men and women who are suffering. They aren?t asking that we pray for their protection (even though we should do that). They?re not asking us to advocate for them to their local government (even though we should do that, too). They?re humbly receiving oppression, trusting that God is in control and that He as a plan for everything ? even their suffering.

The question that I have for you today is this: ?How are you responding to oppression by those who don?t know Christ??

I would like to hear your stories of how God is allowing you to be oppressed for your faith and how you?re responding to that. Many of you live in the West where it?s pretty easy to be a Christian. Others of you don?t. Please include your successes and your failures. Perhaps we can all learn from each other.

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]]> 0 Sat, 27 Dec 2014 05:00:34 +0000

#GiveHope15 to be a voice for the voiceless

MNN partners with 71 mission groups who are working to build God?s Kingdom globally. Their focus of ministry ranges from Bible translation to child evangelism. Meet our partners here. By helping us #GiveHope15, you?re supporting the people who work on-the-ground. MNN gives these missionaries a voice they might not otherwise have. These partnerships allow us [?]

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]]> to be a voice for the voiceless#GiveHope15 to be a voice for the voiceless


(Graphic cred: MNN)

MNN partners with 71 mission groups who are working to build God?s Kingdom globally. Their focus of ministry ranges from Bible translation to child evangelism.

Meet our partners here.

By helping us #GiveHope15, you?re supporting the people who work on-the-ground. MNN gives these missionaries a voice they might not otherwise have. These partnerships allow us to relay news and needs to you, so you can make a difference by praying, giving going, or sharing.

That?s right ? by sharing MNN stories you?re becoming a ?voice for the voiceless?, too. Whether it?s clicking the ?Share? button on Facebook or forwarding one of our Daily Emails to a prayer warrior you know, you?re spreading the word and helping others get involved.

Will you help us continue sharing ?news you won?t get anywhere else? in 2015?

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]]> 0 Fri, 26 Dec 2014 05:00:54 +0000

If you?re following MNN on social (Facebook, Twitter, Google+), you?ve probably caught a glimpse or two of the hashtag #GiveHope15 with one of our posts. In case you?re wondering, there IS a reason it?s there ? For starters, ?hope? is a multipurpose theme? Your encouraging feedback gives our team hope Supporting projects & groups that [?]

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If you?re following MNN on social (Facebook, Twitter, Google+), you?ve probably caught a glimpse or two of the hashtag #GiveHope15 with one of our posts. In case you?re wondering, there IS a reason it?s there 🙂

For starters, ?hope? is a multipurpose theme?

  • Your encouraging feedback gives our team hope
  • Supporting projects & groups that meet physical needs worldwide gives tangible hope to people in need
  • By getting involved in the Great Commission, you?re giving others the ultimate source of hope: Jesus Christ

During the remaining days of 2014, we?ll explore how you can ?give hope? in each of these areas.

Today, we?d like to share some of your remarks that have helped ?give MNN hope? in 2014:


(Graphic cred: MNN)

?It?s my best source of news! I don?t know what I?d do without MNN!! Thank you SO much for all of the stories you send my way. I feel like I?m so much more informed about what is happening within the body of Christ worldwide. I have a heart to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters and MNN helps me pray with current information. It is the best news service I have ever found. So, so thankful.? ?Laura Guarnieri

?Thanks for the [work] being done, we are to be the light & lifeline to a dying world out there.? ?Henry Tavune

?I learned about you for the first time as I was on-air with Greg Bullen waiting to be interviewed this morning. All your information made me want to hang up and pray. Thank you.? ?Jeannie St. John Taylor

?I heard about you through Yes FM 89.3, Lima, Ohio, this morning?If the Church of Jesus would know more about what foreign Christians go through, it enables us to pray more specifically. [Thank] you for your voice :).? ?Bill Cheshire Jr.

?Want to use this opportunity to thank Mission Network News for the update about the religious crisis in my country Nigeria. Thanks to Greg and the entire crew. God bless and protect you all.? ?Name withheld for protection

?It helps me to know how to pray and I know the news I get is the truth!!! Thank you.? ? Lorraine Gardenier

We LOVE all of our friends and ?followers?, whether they?re on email, social media or radio. The encouragement we see on Facebook or website comments and the uplifting call-in?s we get from listeners remind us why we do what we do. Thank you all for reassuring our team of its purpose!!

Our team here at MNN can only accomplish our 2015 goals with your help. Would you consider partnering with us financially?

The post What happens when you #GiveHope15? appeared first on Mission Network News.

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